We share tips on how to make easy recipes using the meats already in your freezer, foods that work with you rather than against you and a recap of top news headlines everyone should know about. This is Rebecca Wanner aka ‘BEC’ and Jeff ‘Tigger’ Erhardt with the radio show The Bend Radio Show & Podcast, your news outlet for the latest in the Outdoors & Western Lifestyle!
WEBSITE The BEND S4 E 168 Super Pigs Canadian Feral Hogs Easy Recipe Meal Prep Outdoor News The Bend Rebecca Wanner BEC Jeff Erhardt Tigger Heather Krohe

Episode 168 Details


Fox 35, Orlando, reported in January 2023 that Florida’s Wildlife Officials had arrested eight people for illegal snake trafficking. Traffickers were bought and sold, hundreds of snakes, some venomous. 

During the three-year investigation, called “Operation Viper, the Florida Fish and Wildlife commission said in a news release that nearly 200 snakes – consisting of 24 species from seven different regions of the globe – were purchased or sold by undercover FWC investigators to or from wildlife traffickers.
Wildlife trafficking ranks fourth behind drugs, weapons and humans in global activity according to the FWC. The Wildlife Conservation Society estimates illicit wildlife trafficking to be between $7.8 billion and $10 billion per year.
Fast Forward. These pigs were crossbred with wild boars and domesticated pigs. The hybridization resulted in bigger “super pigs” capable of surviving cold climates. The market for these new hogs dropped out in the early 2000s, thus some escaped operations while others were simply let free as there was no one to sell them to.
These pigs have an extraordinarily high reproductive rate and are predicted to now roam nearly 620,000 square miles of Canada, mostly in the Provinces of Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Alberta. The states most affected by these Canadian Super Pigs are North Dakota, Eastern Montana and Northern Minnesota.
Wild boar, razorback, feral hog, wild pig. Those are just a few of the names for one of the most destructive, formidable invasive species in the United States. Tremendous damages from these animals currently cost the United States up to $2.5 billion annually to crops, forestry, livestock, and pastures. Feral swine present great risks to human health and safety as well as they can harbor and transmit dozens of parasites and diseases.

Landowners or hunters who encounter feral pigs in North Dakota must notify the State Board of Animal Health immediately.  The shooting of feral pigs is illegal in North Dakota unless a person is protecting property or livestock.

Observe or suspect the presence of feral pigs, MAKE THE CALL.
North Dakota Board of Animal Health at 701-328-2655, Game and Fish Department at 701-328-6300, or United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services at 701-250-4405.
It becomes confusing in the store at times when you see meat nicely cut, looking fresh versus frozen. Often one assumes those may be the most nutritious or healthiest. That is not entirely true. Almost all meats are frozen at some point before put into the meat counter case, so the display is what looks nicer behind the meat counter than in the freezer aisle.
Don’t be afraid to save a little money purchasing frozen meats. They too are very healthy and regardless if it meat you harvested or raised yourself, or meat purchased all can become nutritious meals for the family. The most important thing to watch for when cooking with meat that’s been frozen is to watch when thawing for freezer burned areas. Those areas that have turned discolored from too long in the freezer. I won’t break down how long is “too long” , that’s for another day, but the first step is to dig in your freezer to pull out a package of meat and begin thawing.
Best practice for thawing is to do so in your refrigerator over a day or so, or however long it takes to become unfrozen. However we are all always in a rush so the use of a microwave or placing in a sealed plastic bag in hot water is too acceptable methods. If you fear the meat is at all a tougher cut, there are two major tricks to conquering the chewy toughness meat from beef to venison to chicken.
Once meat is not frozen, trim, place in a pan or sealed bag or container and graciously cover in a marinade. Simply purchase a pre-made marinade or google for some quick easy homemade marinades. Leave in the marinade for a minimum of an hour, but my best meats are when they can sit for 24 hours in the refrigerator.
Second tip is the actual cooking process. If you are wanting fall off the bone, consider using an instant pot for a quick turnaround time otherwise cook in your crockpot over the course of the day. If you want to fry quickly, turn your oven on at 400 degrees. Using an oven safe frying pan such as cast iron, heat the frying pan on the stove and make sure your pan is HOT. Sear all sides and then place the frying pan with meat in the oven, turning the oven down to 350. Using a meat thermometer check the meat temperature to ensure it is done to your liking.
Enjoy! Have questions on cooking or recipes for us to try, send them our way!
Field Report: Heather Krohe, Little Rack Taxidermy
Call or Text your questions, or comments to 305-900-BEND or 305-900-2363

Website: TheBendShow.com


#catchBECifyoucan #tiggerandbec #outdoors #travel #cowboys

The Outdoors, Rural America, And Wildlife Conservation are Center-Stage.

AND how is that? Because Tigger & BEC… Live This Lifestyle.

Learn more about Jeff ‘Tigger’ Erhardt & Rebecca Wanner aka BEC here: TiggerandBEC.com


Tigger & BEC are News Broadcasters that represent the Working Ranch world, Rodeo, and the Western Way of Life as well as advocate for the Outdoors and Wildlife Conservation.

Outdoorsmen themselves, this duo strives to provide the hunter, adventurer, cowboy, cowgirl, rancher and/or successful farmer, and anyone interested in agriculture with the knowledge, education, and tools needed to bring high-quality beef and the wild game harvested to your table for dinner. They understand the importance in sharing meals with family, cooking the fruits of our labor and fish from our adventures, and learning to understand the importance of making memories in the outdoors. Appreciate God’s Country.

United together, this duo offers a glimpse into and speaks about what life truly is like at the end of dirt roads and off the beaten path.

Tigger & BEC look forward to hearing from you, answering your questions and sharing in the journey of making your life a success story. Adventure Awaits Around The Bend.

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