Episode 177 Details
Skunk mating season begins in February and continues until the end of March. Female skunks usually only have one litter each year. So why are we telling you this, because LOVE and awful smells are in the air this time of year during skunk breeding season!
What happens during skunk mating season?
During mating season, neighborhoods may notice an increase in skunk odors. A skunk can travel from up to six miles away to find a mate. When a male finds a female, she can discourage his advances by emitting an odor. The increased and pungent aroma is a sign of females repelling males in pursuit of the right mate.
Males spray each other as they fight over females for their love. Females will spray males they don’t want to mate with, and the smell can reach up to a mile away.
Thankfully times have changed and you do not have to worry about having an enormous amount of tomato juice or a place to think about having such a bath. The best news is that you more than likely have the three ingredients needed to make a de-skunk shampoo in your home.
BEFORE YOU START – be sure to be wearing OLD CLOTHES and read the Important Key Warnings listed below!
Mix 3 to 4 parts 3% hydrogen peroxide to 1 part baking soda, along with a teaspoon of dish detergent.
Apply this mixture to your dog while it’s still bubbling
Do not use the solution near your dog’s eyes, and be careful when applying around the mouth.
Peroxide may bleach your dog’s fur, an effect that is especially noticeable on black or brown dogs.
Peroxide may also bleach any other material it comes in contact with, like clothing, towels or furniture.
LASTLY – remember that skunks can carry the rabies virus, so be sure to keep your dog always up to date on their rabies vaccinations.
HOT BUYS NOW: Gadgets for House, Cabin or Gift Ideas
Electric Egg Cooker: Using very little water the electric cooker steams the eggs to perfection for easy peeling in only 12 minutes.
Collapsible Sinks: Found in camping aisles or online, these collapsible containers save space yet are great for in your home, cabin or camper. Uses include as an extra sink, serving drinks that are needing to be set in water at a party and the best part – the sinks are inexpensive.
GEEKEY Multitool: Don’t be fooled by this small key shaped gadget that is the size of a regular household key. This TSA approved GEEKEY multitool includes a bike spoke key, screwdriver, wrench, scoring tip, box cutter, serrated edge, can opener, wire stripper, file, ruler, protractor, bottle opener, multi-head fit driver and more. Whether you are opening a bottle, tightening a loose screw, or cutting open a box, GEEKEY is there for you when you need it.
FXW ROLLICK DOG PLAYPEN: specifically designed for camping that can create a boundary around one’s campsite or act as a playpen for the dog when traveling. Easy to set up and tear down, makes for a terrific wedding gift for a couple that has a dog or anyone that likes to set up a perimeter around their campsite so that unwanted visitors do not enter.
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Tigger & BEC are News Broadcasters that represent the Working Ranch world, Rodeo, and the Western Way of Life as well as advocate for the Outdoors and Wildlife Conservation.
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