Do you have what it takes to keep up with past adventurers like President Teddy Roosevelt? We share history that will inspire, have the latest on Ice Fishing and travel news and what to be shopping for now in January. We have New Year’s resolution tips too. Join radio hosts Rebecca Wanner aka ‘BEC’ and Jeff ‘Tigger’ Erhardt (Tigger & BEC) with The Bend Radio Show & Podcast, your news outlet for the latest in Outdoors & Western Lifestyle News!
The BEND Show S5 E218 Teddy Roosevelt Buy This In January Outdoor Travel News Rebecca Wanner Jeff Erhardt Tigger & BEC

Season 5, Episode 218

New Year Goals, Teddy Roosevelt Fitness, Outdoors News

Reflecting on Past Years 

As we have now flipped the calendar to 2025, are putting away the decorations and getting back into a life schedule again. Take the time to jot down some of those memories made over the Holidays. Christmas through New Years creates laughs and cringe-worthy moments, the lesser as time goes by are almost always looked back on as laughs too later down the road. 

Here is one that BEC wanted to share…

Favorite Holiday Memory – 20 years ago on Christmas morning, Mom (Lois Wanner) woke us all up to say there was a coyote down near the feedlot. She proved to us that Annie-Oakley still had what it takes! Grabbing her .243 lever-action from the living room game closet, first off astounding us all that her ‘missing rifle’ really wasn’t missing; here Mom had it kept where only SHE KNEW to find it (hidden carefully behind all the board games)! Off to the porch she tramped in her pajamas, as we all watched out the windows. Leaning over the railing, she cracked one shot off… You can imagine as we ran out the door onto the porch to congratulate her, quick range-finding in the yardage to learn she had smoked that coyote at over 300 yards!! Now that’s a Christmas morning none of us will ever forget… or she will let us forget either!

News: Ice Fishing Fun & Dangerous


This story takes us to Lake of the Woods in Minnesota as what happened there is a great reminder of what could happen here as many head to the ice for ice fishing!

According to Valley News Live, About 50 people were rescued off Lake of the Woods on New Year’s Day when a crack in the ice separated them from shore.

The Lake of the Woods County Sheriff’s Office first received a call around 2:30 pm on New Year’s Day that a man went through the ice on his ATV, thankfully the man was able to get out without injuries. About half an hour later, another call came in with a report of 20-25 people stranded on the Northside of a pressure ridge that cracked open. 

The Long Point Resort began using their own boat to bring people across the open water, the sheriff’s office and Minnesota DNR joined in on the rescue using airboats and UTVs to help. By the end, Lake of the Woods Sheriff’s officials say the number was closer to 50 people rescued off the lake.

More Than 100 Ice Fishermen Rescued in Minnesota This Winter

In a press-release Beltrami County Sheriff Jason Riggs said “Most years, the ice would be thick enough by now for vehicles and wheelhouses, and we’d be seeing a steady procession of them moving north. But this year isn’t ‘most years,’ and the ice is changing constantly. It’s absolutely vital that anyone who heads out checks the thickness frequently, pays close attention to the weather, and has a plan in case the worst happens and they wind up in the water.”

Ice rescues continue to be a constant problem this winter, as ice remains very thin across much of North Dakota and Minnesota. 

TheBendShow News Ice Fishing Fun Dangerous

President Teddy Roosevelt’s Physical Fitness Test 

New Year, New You… Would you have the endurance to hike and ride a horse to pass this physical exam? Here is a history lesson that many outdoorsmen, women and adventurers may find of interest. Use this story to inspire you and raise the bar on your goals.

On December 9, 1908, President Theodore Roosevelt signed, an Executive Order No. 989, headlined “Marine Corps Officers’ Physical Fitness.” It directed each officer of the United States Marine Corps to undergo a physical examination and a series of tests every two years.

The tests were simple. Officers would have to ride a horse 90 miles, “this distance to be covered in three days.” Officers ranked “in the grade of captain or lieutenant” were also required to walk 50 miles, with “actual marching time, including rests, twenty hours.” Seven hundred yards of this needed to be completed “on the double-time”—something like a slow jog. This test too could be spread across three days, allowing the soldiers sleep and recovery time.

Order 989’s rationale was spelled out bluntly: “In battle, time is essential and ground may have to be covered on the run; if these officers are not equal to the average physical strength of their companies the men will be held back, resulting in unnecessary loss of life and probably defeat.”

Neither the Army nor the Navy, which each got their own respective executive orders with the same test, escaped Roosevelt’s attention. “I have been unpleasantly struck,” President Teddy Roosevelt observed in a letter to Secretary of the Navy Truman Newberry, “by the lack of physical condition of some of the older officers, and even some of the younger officers.”

Roosevelt  worried that “urbanization was making us weaker”—that we were living in unhealthy cities, that we were toiling in offices rather than plowing the fields. By 1900, only 40 percent of the country worked in agriculture. 

The orders immediately kicked up complaints. As historical journal The Grog recounts, “Navy Surgeon James Gatewood complained that the endurance test would leave participants in a ‘depressed physical state.’” The Navy’s surgeon general said it could put the lives of officers over 50 at risk. As if to carry the torch for his own initiative, on January 13, 1909, Roosevelt (then 51) and a small party of Naval officers set out for a horseback ride to Warrenton, Virginia, a distance of 49 miles each way. Following a 3:45 A.M. breakfast of steak and eggs, Roosevelt, on his own steed Roswell, set out into a day marked by freezing rain, eventually returning to the White House at 8:30 P.M., that’s 16 hours and 45 minutes. Roosevelt declared the ride—yep, you guessed it—“Bully!” 

Compared to politicians of today, our 26th president, President Theodore Roosevelt, was like no other. An eastern high educated individual who traveled to the Badlands of North Dakota only to fall in love with the lifestyle there, learn to cowboy, have a 1,600 head plus cattle ranch and eventually became the leader of the Rough Riders that took San Juan Hill in Cuba during the Spanish American war. In many ways, it’s no wonder this President wanted our military to be physically fit as he himself led a strenuous life too.

BEC’s goal for you all is to share the outdoors and western lifestyle with others. Take someone that has not hiked, fished, camped or been to a rodeo, rode a horse; share an activity you love with someone that has not done one of your favorites. Encourage others away from “urbanization” for a moment. If you are needing beginner ideas to start, almost every state has hikes planned for each season that fits that various times of the year. Encourage everyone to enjoy their “backyard” aka America the Beautiful!

Best Things to Buy Now in January

Fitness equipment and ‘White Sales’ aka household linens are worth a close look, but when it comes to the Outdoors there are many items to save on during the first month of 2024!

Small Kitchen Appliances – Those items that we make the Outdoors a bit more comfortable when camping with a tent, RV or camper has our attention. Watch for great discounts on 2024 overstock, closeout items with steep discounts to add to your choice of recreational fun. From countertop coffee makers to the all-in-one combos that can pressure cook, act as an oven or air-fryer. Take advantage of the sales and save big time, our suggestion is to buy now and give even as gifts later as the summer camping season nears.

Winter Clothing – Already aisles of stores are changing from winter clothing to Spring Break attire. Be purchasing now as these deals increase, and grab great deals on the brands you love for these cold dark days of winter.

Camping Gear – A New Year means new memories to be made. Previous models of tents, sleeping bags and more are starting to be closed out to make room for new trends. Be ahead of the game, and to save on the pocket book from being hit hard all at once come camping season or gearing up for a fall hunt, buy as you go over the next few months watching the sales, overstock items and clearance aisles.


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The Outdoors, Rural America, And Wildlife Conservation are Center-Stage.

AND how is that? Because Tigger & BEC… Live This Lifestyle.

Learn more about Jeff ‘Tigger’ Erhardt & Rebecca Wanner aka BEC here:


Jeff ‘Tigger’ Erhardt & Rebecca ‘BEC’ Wanner are News Broadcasters that represent the Working Ranch world, Rodeo, and the Western Way of Life as well as advocate for the Outdoors and Wildlife Conservation.

Outdoorsmen themselves, this duo strives to provide the hunter, adventurer, cowboy, cowgirl, rancher and/or successful farmer, and anyone interested in agriculture with the knowledge, education, and tools needed to bring high-quality beef and the wild game harvested to your table for dinner. They understand the importance in sharing meals with family, cooking the fruits of our labor and fish from our adventures, and learning to understand the importance of making memories in the outdoors. Appreciate God’s Country.

United together, this duo offers a glimpse into and speaks about what life truly is like at the end of dirt roads and off the beaten path.

Tigger & BEC look forward to hearing from you, answering your questions and sharing in the journey of making your life a success story. Adventure Awaits Around The Bend.

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