Man’s Best Friend, that’s right we are talking about dogs. The Rocky Mountain Elk migration is underway, learn where you can go to see it first hand and we discuss the hot debate regarding wolves. This is Rebecca Wanner aka ‘BEC’ and Jeff ‘Tigger’ Erhardt with the radio show The Bend Radio Show & Podcast, your news outlet for the latest in the Outdoors & Western Lifestyle!
WEBSITE The BEND Show S3 E157 Walleye Record Dog Facts Wolf Debate Outdoors News Rebecca Wanner Jeff Erhardt Tigger & BEC
BEC & Tigger are one week away from opening deer rifle season in their neck of the woods. Now is the time to take those last few practice shots. BEC loves to quote, “Aim Small, Miss Small” in which Tigger always loves to give her a hard time reminding her that’s from the movie “The Patriot”… not a BEC quote!



South Dakota’s famed Lake Oahe, a reservoir inside the Missouri River water system, has produced what is speculated to be the next South Dakota state-record walleye. Aaron Schuck of Bismarck, North Dakota was fishing with a deep diving crankbait when a whopper walleye struck his plug.

Official weighing on certified scales took place at Oahe Sunset Lodge and Steakhouse by the owner Lisa Moser, located near the town of Pollock, South Dakota. Aaron Shuck’s walleye measured 33 inches in length with a heavy weight of 16.5 pounds beating a 23-year-old record!
BEC has fished this area many times, both open water and ice fishing. Two thumbs up, it is BEC Approved! Looking for a great guide with accommodations? BEC recommends Loebs Lake Oahe Guide Service out of Pollock, SD. Give Josh a call and tell him that Rebecca Wanner aka ‘BEC’ said to!
Josh Loebs, Fishing Guide

Loebs Lake Oahe Guide Service

P: 701.426.5832


Tis the season that the quaint town of Estes Park, Colorado one of the entrances to the Rocky Mountain National Park is taken over by elk. Twice yearly elk migrations occur as large bunches of elk move out of the park and make a pit stop in Estes Park. Traffic jams occur as the elk cross streets or from gawking tourists trying to get pictures of these massive animals bedded down in residents’ front yards to experience the golf course closed as it is a favorite hangout for the elk. The migration is not a quick one either, can take a couple of weeks as the various bunches move leisurely. The fall migration is a must-see as the massive bulls are herding the females but it is to be viewed with caution. The rut is on and the bulls can be aggressive. Check out for videos of the Elk taking over Estes Park, Colorado.

Dogs are often one’s first pet and are often looked upon as a member of the family. This week Jeff ‘Tigger’ Erhardt tests Rebecca Wanner aka ‘BEC’ on her knowledge of the four-legged, Man’s Best Friend… The Dog.

A fun round of Did You Knows, Facts, and the first part of a two-part “Dog Discussion”. Tigger is a cattle dog trainer, having worked with many border collies and other cattle dog breeds. These dogs are both part of the livelihood on the ranch but also become parts of the family.


  • Did you know a dog’s nose print is unique, just like a person’s fingerprint.
  • Did you know a dog’s sense of smell is extraordinary as it has as many as 300 million receptors while a human nose only as about 5 million.
  • Did you know dogs when sleeping curl up in a ball to protect their organs? It is a natural instinct that goes back to when they were wild, before domestication, and vulnerable to predator attacks.
  • Did you know that 3 (THREE) dogs survived the Titanic sinking? The dogs were in first class, including a pomeranian puppy that the owner wrapped in a blanket, acting as though it was a baby! Then another pomeranian and a Pekingese were rescued. (Sorry Jack… But Rose made it!… Barely)
  • Did you know the tallest dog ever was a Great Dane measuring 44″ tall!
  • Did you know a Greyhound could beat a Cheetah in a LONG Distance Race!

Looking for the latest in Western fashion and style? Medora Boot and Western Wear keep both Tigger & BEC in the boots they love, the jeans that fit, and the latest styles of shirts, jackets, and more. Check out located in historic Medora, North Dakota in the Badlands. Online ordering and shipping are available in time for the holidays!


Author and photographer Richelle Barrett, aka The Prairie Crocus, from northern Montana shares words again this week from the saddle on how to look for good in your day, your surroundings. Look forward to hearing her words in the coming weeks. 

Order the perfect gift for the upcoming holidays, Richelle has her latest book out now “Anthology” as well as a calendar for 2024 on sale now at and black & white note cards. Be sure to follow her on Facebook as over 25,000 followers do daily. Facebook & Instagram: @theprairiecrocus

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The Outdoors, Rural America, And Wildlife Conservation are Center-Stage.

AND how is that? Because Tigger & BEC… Live This Lifestyle.

Learn more about Jeff ‘Tigger’ Erhardt & Rebecca Wanner aka BEC here:


Tigger & BEC are News Broadcasters that represent the Working Ranch world, Rodeo, and the Western Way of Life as well as advocate for the Outdoors and Wildlife Conservation.

Outdoorsmen themselves, this duo strives to provide the hunter, adventurer, cowboy, cowgirl, rancher and/or successful farmer, and anyone interested in agriculture with the knowledge, education, and tools needed to bring high-quality beef and the wild game harvested to your table for dinner. They understand the importance in sharing meals with family, cooking the fruits of our labor and fish from our adventures, and learning to understand the importance of making memories in the outdoors. Appreciate God’s Country.

United together, this duo offers a glimpse into and speaks about what life truly is like at the end of dirt roads and off the beaten path.

Tigger & BEC look forward to hearing from you, answering your questions and sharing in the journey of making your life a success story. Adventure Awaits Around The Bend.


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