Tis the season for backcountry hunting and fishing trips, which also brings about Dutch Oven cooking and what foods to be packing into the wilderness. Tips to save weight while keeping healthy on the trail. Plus we share the latest news headlines This is Rebecca Wanner aka ‘BEC’ and Jeff ‘Tigger’ Erhardt with the radio show The Bend Radio Show & Podcast, your news outlet for the latest in the Outdoors & Western Lifestyle!
WEBSITE The BEND Show S3 E150 Backpack Food Tips Outdoors News Rebecca Wanner Jeff Erhardt Tigger & BEC Cowboy Kent Rollins

Episode 150 Details

Well here we go, Hard to believe we are NOW up to 150 episodes!! of chasing Tigger & BEC around The Bend. We’ve taken you down dusty roads, to switchbacks chasing elk, to fishing big waters and even taken ya’ll along into the Rodeo Arena.

AND THAT’s why you never know what’s Coming Around The Bend!



Desserts ANYONE can make…
Have you seen the latest trend on TikTok? Forget the water, TikTok creators like @jordan_the_stallion8, have been testing out the trend. Instead Mixing a ¼ cup of Dr. Pepper soda pop to a boxed brownie mix and an egg, bake like usual and you’ve got Pop Brownies… 
Well BEC hates to bust the bubble on this so-called “NEW TREND”! Our cabin master of the Dutch oven, aka Tigger, has been using soda or pop in his cakes for years when cooking over the fire! Tigger makes amazing desserts by simply melting butter on the bottom of a hot Dutch oven, adding the dry cake mix and pouring over the top a can of soda or pop, covering with the lid, and setting on the hot embers or coals. Don’t forget to add those hot embers/coals on top of the lid too!!
Want a cobbler?? Toss in a can of your favorite canned fruit canned pie filling and BOOM – You have a Dutch Oven Cobbler! Tigger isn’t the only one making delicious desserts using a can of soda pop. Head to TheBendShow.com for our good friend, Kent Rollins the Cowboy Chef and another lover of the dutchoven to grab his recipe and watch his easy “HOW TO” for an easy Old Fashioned Blackberry Cobbler. 


For everyone who’s dreamt of packing into the backcountry from just wanting to hike, camp, fish, or hunt. Keeping that pack light, yet filling it with food that will keep energy up while not taking up space or adding weight can be a tricky feat. BEC dives into simple, basic tips to survive that first trip. The key is to begin planning now, weeks before you head out on that trip. It’s always tempting to head online and purchase pre-packaged meals, and freeze-dried foods that claim to taste great, weigh almost nothing while the ratio of carbs or protein is needed for physical activity. The oversight comes when not having tried them first at home!

Adding in miles of physical activity first off we know often causes the body not just to burn up calories fast, but also can accelerate the process of digesting food and the need for #2 quickly (yup, we’re talking poop)!! Before being stuck on the trail with food that might be healthy but doesn’t necessarily agree with your stomach right off the bat, you’ll want to start adjusting your diet now and trying these tips BEC offers in this episode!


The pack gets heavy fast, and especially when needing to stay hydrated too. Think food that can be consumed, the wrapping be burned or easily packed out and keep your energy intact. Believe BEC, it is not as easy as it sounds yet it can BE EASY to do with a little preparation and DIY R&D (aka research & development). We’re telling you, TRY everything you have before you pack your ride to head out to the backcountry. BEC was raised on a large ranch, has been a certified trail guide, packed in and elk hunted the backcountry. She is seasoned on what to know, but as one “never knows what’s truly around the bend” believes strongly you can never over-prepare. Do not make planning a headache either, have fun and make it a family adventure so that even if loved ones cannot join on this adventure they will still feel as thou they are part of the excitement!


The rodeo world and PBR (Professional Bull Riding) world were shocked on September 14th, 2023 when J.B Mauney a longtime bull riding star announced his retirement. The 36-year-old Mauney from Charlotte, North Carolina After suffered a broken neck during the Lewistown Roundup in Idaho in which he was bucked off by Sankey Pro Rodeo & Phenom Genetics’ Arctic Assassin at an Xtreme Bulls Event and landed on his head.

Mauney took to Instagram posted, “Surgery went great, and I would like to thank everyone… for taking care of me,” Mauney wrote. “Unfornatetely with the surgery, it ended my bull riding career. Just wanted to let everyone know that I am OK and now on the road to recovery!”

What an amazing career J.B. Mauney has had! Look at what this man did over the course of his unbelievable career… spanning 19 years.

  • 2x PBR World Champion: 2013 & 2015

  • 824 Qualified Rides

  • 122 90+ Point Rides

  • 221 Round Wins

  • 15x PBR Finals

  • 1x NFR

In recent years, he had joined forces with longtime friend Dale Brisby, appearing on Netflix “How To Be A Cowboy”. Sharing the love for western lifestyle and knowledge of the cowboy spirit.

Over the course of 19 years, J.B. Mauney conquered some of the most well-known bucking bulls of all time. They include household names such as Buschwacker, Bruiser, Pearl Harbor owned by 12x PBR Stock Contractor of the Year Chad Berger Bucking Bulls, Percolator and more…

Both Tigger & BEC wish J.B. Mauney and his family the best on the road ahead, enjoy retirement… and a Tip of the Hat to J.B. Mauney, one of the greatest bull riders in history. 


It was announced at the beginning of the month that the Pentagon launched a one-stop shop site, new website is what meant, to allow people to report UFO sightings. According to Bloomberg, at this point, only service members and civilian Pentagon employees are able to submit reports to this new website. The Defense Department then plans to investigate reports made. Head to TheBendShow.com for the press release video, story… BEC keeps saying, “We are not alone…” Curious what do you say, think?

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The Outdoors, Rural America, And Wildlife Conservation are Center-Stage.

AND how is that? Because Tigger & BEC… Live This Lifestyle.

Learn more about Jeff ‘Tigger’ Erhardt & Rebecca Wanner aka BEC here: TiggerandBEC.com



Tigger & BEC are News Broadcasters that represent the Working Ranch world, Rodeo, and the Western Way of Life as well as advocate for the Outdoors and Wildlife Conservation.

Outdoorsmen themselves, this duo strives to provide the hunter, adventurer, cowboy, cowgirl, rancher and/or successful farmer, and anyone interested in agriculture with the knowledge, education, and tools needed to bring high-quality beef and the wild game harvested to your table for dinner. They understand the importance in sharing meals with family, cooking the fruits of our labor and fish from our adventures, and learning to understand the importance of making memories in the outdoors. Appreciate God’s Country.

United together, this duo offers a glimpse into and speaks about what life truly is like at the end of dirt roads and off the beaten path.

Tigger & BEC look forward to hearing from you, answering your questions and sharing in the journey of making your life a success story. Adventure Awaits Around The Bend.


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