Deer lottery and Elk or other big game lottery results are being announced. How have you faired in your state? Many states cut back on their license numbers for the big game tags due to the long winter this last year. Tigger & BEC were both surprisingly successful. Both Tigger & BEC were drawn for “any antlered buck tags” in their state. Having resident rifle buck tags means that they now are able to harvest either a mule deer buck or a whitetail buck. Were you successful? Have you noticed a drop in tags available for big game in your state? Big Game is considered such as deer, elk, moose, bear, and big horn sheep just to name a few.
Age is ONLY a number. Today we spotlight one woman that’s not spending her days bored sitting around the retirement home. 84-year-old Kim Knor of Grand Haven, Michigan spends her days skydiving instead. You heard right, Sky Diving. Kim Emmons Knor knew she wanted to skydive after her uncle brought home a military parachute from World War II.
After forging her parents’ signatures, Kim Emmons Knor made her first jump back in 1959. She then sold all her possessions and bought a Eurail Pass and an open-ended plane ticket so she could travel as a “Parachute Enthusiast”, visiting 21 countries. Kim Emmons Knor was one of only two women to compete against men in the 1961 Team Tryouts at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and in 1962 made history as a member of the first U.S Women’s Parachute Team and they won Gold!
She has been inducted into the International Sky Diving Hall of Fame and Her long-time goal is to complete 1,000 skydives, currently, Kim Emmons Knor has 400 skydives to go to reach that goal! And last weekend, she completed 3 skydives! Can you imagine, 600 skydives completed? NOW that is pushing the limits and still doing so at 84 years of age! You’re an inspiration Mrs. Kim Emmons Knor
Football Fans and Hunting Enthusiasts stood behind Carson Wentz, the NFL Quarterback when he made national headlines after returning from a Bucket List Alaskan Bear Hunt. The hunt was for an archery black bear and had been done so according to legal Alaska hunting laws.
What made this National News was when Carson Wentz shared the success of his hunt on social media the non-hunters grabbed at the opportunity to “Hate” on an Outdoorsman. The social media instagram post Carson Wentz shared was captioned, “Got the opportunity to spot and stalk black bear in one of our new favorite places on earth— Alaska! Incredible trip and an incredible animal!”
This next story, I’m touching on ONLY because it makes my blood boil. Not too often, you will hear me become opinionated; but this one I feel was very overlooked by major news outlets. Our attention was placed elsewhere is what I am saying, and owning that thought. Here we go.
Last week the US Department of Agriculture gave the green light for two companies to sell chicken meat that is “Lab Grown”. The companies, Upside Food and Good Meat, in an effort to be the first companies to sell meat that does not come from slaughtered animals; has created chicken using animal cells grown in a lab. Known as “Cultivated Meat’, it is grown in steel tanks and produced on large sheets that are then cut into shapes resembling chicken cutlets and sausages. Currently, this new meat source will not be sold in grocery stores as it’s more expensive to produce than traditional meat.
Strange Foods You Might Find…
Venturing north of the border, Canada that is. There’s a new cotton candy flavor being tested out by the dipping sauce company French’s. French’s has launched ketchup-flavored Cotton Candy!!
Also while in Canada, McDonald’s has launched a new McFlurry Flavor – the Caramel Popcorn McFlurry!! And here at our local McD’s we only get the option of Oreo or M&M. Come on, let us Americans be the guinea pigs first for a change! Lastly, if you’re road tripping thru or near Columbia, Missouri. Sparky’s Homemade Ice Cream has gone viral on social media for serving up Moutain Dew and Doritos Ice Cream that is green in color! If you’ve had ANY of these newest flavors, let us know what your palette thought, a Thumbs Up or Down!
How To Enjoy The Fourth Of July Outdoors
Fishing! Tips from The Bend Show Field Staffer, Pro Angler Johnnie Candle. This week professional fisherman and fishing guide, Johnnie Candle, shares what is working right now for walleye fishing. Depending on where you are fishing; some lakes, rivers, and ponds may be showing signs of thick weed growth. To avoid getting hooked in the weeds, Johnnie Candle shares two types of jigs that are doing the trick and reeling in the trophy fish.
Stir-Fried Rocks & Stone have become one of CHINA’s HOTTEST food dish trends and it’s making its way across the pond to the United States. Hear this one out… People are finding rocks and pebbles, taking the stones home and cleaning well these treasures before placing them amongst their stir-fry dishes while still hot…. WELL BEC hates to bust this cooking trend!!
Rock Cooking or Hot Stones Cooking has been used for 1,000s of years! It’s one of the Survival Basics taught if one is lost out in nature. Adding hot stones to a large bowl with a little oil and your meats and vegetables. Stir the stones and ingredients until the meat is well done. Just a tip thou, if you fail to stir it enough, BEC promises you it will burn. It’s called stir fry for a reason. Heat up 10 or more stones in the embers, wash them off first then toss into your concoction for a “rock stir fry”! Now thinking about this new “Trend”… Kinda glad it was brought up as this could be a really fun one to get the kids involved with! Give it a try and let us know how your crew enjoys the new challenge on your next camping trip!
Marshmallows. With the Fourth of July holiday week now upon us… Don’t forget the Marshmallows! We talked about this last week, and we thought would remind you to use the holiday as a reason to try some of the new flavors gracing the shelves… From the Stuffed Puffs brand, there is now Classic Milk Chocolate Marshmallows, Cookies’n Creme Marshmallows, and Salted Caramel filled or stuffed marshmallows with !! AND That’s not all…
For those wanting a Visual Effect at their campfire – There are Marshmallows out this camping season that change color while being toasted too!
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