Taking time to make memories, learn a skill, or join a club or organization is the theme this week. Hear how to push the limits in life. Expand horizons and one can always set goals. Plus even going to toss in the number one tip when it comes to grilling. This is Rebecca Wanner aka ‘BEC’ and Jeff ‘Tigger’ Erhardt with the radio show The Bend Radio Show & Podcast, your news outlet for the latest in the Outdoors & Western Lifestyle!
WEBSITE The BEND Show S3 E147 4H Cooking Outdoors Learning Rebecca Wanner Jeff Erhardt Tigger & BEC LeighAnn Skurupey

Episode 147 Details

Tigger and BEC were able to slip away on a vacation! Yes, get off the ranch. They were Lake Michigan bound on the Wisconsin coastline. While their Tigger was able to for the first time partake in Lake Michigan salmon fishing, something that BEC has enjoyed many times over the years and was happy for Tigger to have the chance to try. Great family fun, he was joined by nephews and learned quickly how fishing with down riggers is a whole new ball game.



Taylor Downing from Fairfield North Dakota shares how 4-H has been an integral part of her life. During not just elementary and high school, but also thru her college years. She shares how livestock showing taught skills that will continue through life as well as friendships made too. ‘4-H: Providing Youth Development, Mentorship & Education.’

Both BEC & Tigger are advocates of 4-H as both were active in youth. For the third year in a row, the couple emceed and were master of ceremonies for the North Dakota 4-H Public Leaders Livestock Competition this summer. An event that brings well-known public figures from the state to learn from 4-H youth how to show and give reasons in a timed event in which these leaders must use the skills learned and compete in an actual “Showmanship Event”. 4-H is for all demographics and is an organization that strives to bring together youth from agriculture backgrounds to the city or suburbs, to unite in a positive, learning atmosphere that will provide lifelong skills and build friendships.


This year both Jeff ‘Tigger’ Erhardt and Rebecca ‘BEC’ Wanner were recognized and given an award by North Dakota State University, President David Cook, for their ongoing support of 4-H and youth development during the North Dakota State Fair. They were humbled, and speechless as well as a tear was shed by BEC. Both have a passion for our youth and agriculture; and strive to lead by examples of how we can impact anyone at any age. Thank You NDSU, NDSU Extension and 4-H for this acknowledgement.


FEATURE: Leigh Ann Skurupey
This woman shares how she continues to push the limits. Her backstory includes how early in life she was diagnosed with a heart condition did not keep her throughout life from becoming an adventurist. LeighAnn is an example of how no matter the challenge, we have the strength internally to overcome fears and look them in the eye.
LeighAnn Skurupey
In this episode, Leigh Ann shares learning how she learned to swim later in life. This now has led her to have eyes set on hopes to compete in Iron Man competitions to eventually qualify for the Boston Marathon in the future. Leigh Ann Skurupey is a highly educated individual, she has a Ph.D. in Animal Science and works with North Dakota State University in 4-H Youth Development. A frequent to the show, as this woman empowers men, women, and youth to never stop, you can achieve your goals!


White-faced capuchin monkeys greet each other by sticking their fingers up each other’s noses. (How can you not laugh at that fact!)

Gummy bears were originally called “dancing” bears.
The hagfish is the only animal that has a SKULL but no SPINE.
People weigh less if they stand at the equator than if they stand at the North or South poles.
BEC’s best tip of the week for conquering the GRILL when it comes to meats and vegetables is to make sure, “The Grill Is HOT!” Once the food is tossed on the grill, turn down the temp, but to ensure you get that great ‘sear’ on the beef or chicken to even the vegetables… Always have a HOT Grill to get started.




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#catchBECifyoucan #tiggerandbec #outdoors #travel #cowboys

The Outdoors, Rural America, And Wildlife Conservation are Center-Stage.

AND how is that? Because Tigger & BEC… Live This Lifestyle.

Learn more about Jeff ‘Tigger’ Erhardt & Rebecca Wanner aka BEC here: TiggerandBEC.com


Tigger & BEC are News Broadcasters that represent the Working Ranch world, Rodeo, and the Western Way of Life as well as advocate for the Outdoors and Wildlife Conservation.
Outdoorsmen themselves, this duo strives to provide the hunter, adventurer, cowboy, cowgirl, rancher and/or successful farmer, and anyone interested in agriculture with the knowledge, education, and tools needed to bring high-quality beef and the wild game harvested to your table for dinner. They understand the importance in sharing meals with family, cooking the fruits of our labor and fish from our adventures, and learning to understand the importance of making memories in the outdoors. Appreciate God’s Country.

United together, this duo offers a glimpse into and speaks about what life truly is like at the end of dirt roads and off the beaten path.

Tigger & BEC look forward to hearing from you, answering your questions and sharing in the journey of making your life a success story. Adventure Awaits Around The Bend.



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