In the Spotlight, this week is Lake Michigan, one of the Great Lakes. A field report is received from longtime fan and listener, Joan Aalberts from Holland, Michigan. It is reported that the steelhead salmon (or Chinook Salmon) are biting. Aalberts was able to do a charter with Yacht Basin Marina.
- The NFL plans to play 3 games on Christmas Day 2023.
- Brad Pitt launches a new gin.
- Nabisco is bringing back S’mores flavored Oreos.
- California home is broken into via the doggie door by a coyote.
- McDonald’s for a limited time is offering the Oreo Frappe.
- “Pizza Anytime” red based, twist on a bloody mary. Recipe is shared.
- Raman Noodles study by Baylor University reveals a Health Alert.
- Raccoons in Austin, Texas take over a high school. Always check your home, buildings and equipment for areas that unwanted critters can enter.
How to plan for a stress-free summer? Tips for hosting and/or going on trip that if done now will you having fun. Often we wait excitedly for summer but then is ruined when the activities arrive and one is overwhelmed getting ready. Do these things now and your headaches will be much less. These are tried and true hacks that work for many different occasions, and if done right will save you money too.
TikTok Trend on social media called “The $10 Meal Challenge”. Tigger & BEC both can get behind this concept. BEC recommends getting the whole family involved. Share your success stories with @thebendshow or by emailing [email protected], and you will be in the spotlight in a future The Bend Show episode.
- Lay’s has three new sandwich-flavored chips.
- Girl Scout Thin Mint Milk Chocolate Malt Balls are a new release.
- Brewers place tulips in beer, hear where to find it on tap.
- 104-year-old, Antoinette Inserra, of Staten Island, New York credits her longevity due to a diet that doesn’t sound too bad.
- Have you seen anyone wearing a PEAR ring? Have you seen a lot of turquoise silicon rings? It’s the latest trend for singles to tell other singles they are looking for a mate.
The Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha or Chinook (King) Salmon are present in all of the Great Lakes in North America. The best fishing in the United States is on Lake Michigan, one of the Great Lakes, as well as inland fishing on the Manistee, Pere Marquette and St. Joseph Rivers in the state of Michigan. These salmon prefer cooler water temperatures than their cousin the Coho Salmon. As a result, King Salmon are caught at deeper depths. In order to reach the deeper water, anglers use downriggers and have the rods strung with lead-core or copper line. This allows for the spoons, flies, dodgers and cut bait rigs to reach the salmon strike zone. Chinooks (King Salmon) can be often found more than 100 feet below the surface.
Field Reports or Comments
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