It’s Hot, Kids are getting antsy, and parents or the sitter’s nerves may seem frayed and wondering what to do with them. Turns out that instead of tossing a new video game or downloading another app for kids to play… Pull out the Board Games! Scientists studied several groups of 9-year-olds only to discover that hands down, children that played board games had higher math scores than those who did not.
Board Games enhanced not just mathematical abilities for young children, but also improved strategy effects on basic and complex math skills, plus added to positive cognitive and developmental skills.
So there ya have it! Pull out the Monopoly, The Game of Life Game or one of our favorites, especially if you grew up on a farm or ranch, the Farming Game and let the kids go wild!
Iceland – If venturing to Iceland anytime soon and want an experience as unique as can be… For $400 per night, you can spend the night in the middle of an Iceland Forest inside a bubble. Yes, that’s correct BUBBLE. The Buubble by Airmango offers guests the opportunity to sleep in bubbles that are heated, have electricity, a king size bed with bedding, a lamp, and a small bench with a nearby cabin offering bathrooms and other amenities. This has BEC wondering, what can she charge for sleeping on her picnic table with an air mattress… Food for thought.
Aspartame, Healthy or Not?
The World Health Organization is reviewing if they may soon label the artificial sweetener Aspartame as a possible carcinogen. Aspartame is used to sweeten Diet Coke, Coke Zero, chewing gum, breakfast cereals, ice cream, and Diet Snapple for example. It’s also known as NutraSweet, Equal, and Sugar Twin. Regardless of the decision, it is always a good idea to keep an eye on those “ingredient labels” when grocery shopping!
Beer For A Better Tan?
Bunny Take Over
The New York Post has reported that Wilton Manors, Florida is being overrun by Lionhead Rabbits. A bunny breeder in Fort Lauderdale illegally let loose the rabbits before they started multiplying on the street. Hundreds of rabbits are now living in the backyards of homes in Wilton Manors. The bunnies have a shaggy mane and resemble lions. Some families are feeding the rabbits while others consider them a nuisance as the bunnies are digging holes in the nice lawns. The estimated cost to catch and rehome the rabbits would be $40,000.
If you’ve not heard of the Lionhead rabbits before, here’s a little more insight. Lionhead Rabbits may be small in stature as they only reach 2.5-3.5 lbs, however, are active! They grow to about 8-10 inches at adult size and life expectancy is 8 to 10 years.
Fly Fishing? Can Anyone Fly Fish?
The Bend Field Staffer:
Have you ever watched cooking shows like Rachael Ray or Gordon Ramsey and his Hell’s Kitchen, for example… Watching closely, have you noticed how when seasoning meats such as beef, pork, venison, chicken, fish… really any meats; these chefs hold their arms high in the air, generously sprinkling the seasoning over the meat? Did you think it was just for theatrics? Done for more “Showmanship” to draw more attention to “Wow – we’re seasoning!”? Turns out there is actually a REASON for that high-arm technique. Meat is seasoned with the arm high in the air in order to evenly distribute the seasoning over the meat. Even seasoning a dish or meat can be very tricky. This technique of holding the seasoning higher allows for gravity to work with the swirl motion and results in more uniformly seasoned meat. Give it a try, you will be surprised! The only downfall is yes, you will need a slightly bigger prep area as it can get a bit messy but give this tip a try!
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